Agreeing with Yoga ... to stay connected.
Three days of practice, breathing, listening ... united but independent.
Free and synchronized!
"Om Earth! Heaven! Firmament!
We can see that adorable splendor of the heavenly incitement,
so that it stimulates our thoughts! "
Carissim *
If you have decided to accept our proposal and follow the path we have designed for the practice, we welcome you and invite you to respect a few simple instructions. We have not joined the virtual / online way for our courses. These tracks are an inspiration, they provide a method and a rhythm that will help you along the way. At least that's our intention.
In this era in which the arrogance that is enveloping the earth and the world in a blanket of growing darkness emerges with strong evidence, we feel a strong desire to balance and convert this thrust by increasingly strengthening the moments of union and synchrony that bring the I listen to that very strong Light that lives inside us.
The next few days of the year will see the arrival of the winter solstice , Christmas and the new year .
Already in ancient times these passages were experienced as moments to which to devote particular listening, through prayer and meditation; in harmony with nature in order to create space for a renewal.
So this is our proposal to dedicate some time to this step and do it with care and joy.
We like that these 3 moments of practice respect the synchrony and the agreement just to validate and increase the strength of the gesture and the Resonance that it can emit ; therefore try to follow the timetable indications that we have indicated.
Good practice!
First : We remind you that these tracks are, in fact, an invitation, and therefore you are our welcome guest in a totally free form. We ask you not to copy and paste these traces, not to spread them in the social or web algorithm. Let them remain an intimate and personal experience only for those who have chosen to do it ... Now.
Second : Give yourself time and space to practice. Choose a comfortable, clean place away from noise and distractions. Only start practicing if you truly decide and choose to take the time to do it.
Third : Do not be in a hurry, breathe and let yourself be carried, always remaining close and attached to what you are, respecting you and listening from time to time, from moment to moment to your needs and desires. The use of virtual tools connected to the practice does not allow the direct and necessary exchange between student and teacher. Therefore it becomes essential to develop one's ability to listen and respect the signals that the body sends.
Fourth : Make sure you have left your meal behind for at least 2 hours before starting the practice.
Fifth : Use the virtual support (pc or phone) only as long as it is necessary to follow the written track or listen to the audio track; keep it aside without letting it disturb you when it comes to practicing, letting your gaze stay focused and connected without taking it towards the stand screen.
Sixth : Have fun and practice always in Joy. If you don't feel like it or feel that this invitation is not for you now, do something else, dedicate yourself to something else ... go for a walk. However, there is always a lot of beauty waiting for you!
Seventh : When you finish the practice, if you can go for a walk and stay connected to the nature around you. If you meet someone, give them a smile, at least with their eyes. A smile costs nothing, is free and is good for you. This world also needs your beauty so much.
Finally, to facilitate your pratica t i we have made available the card of the first series of the ashtanga that you can download HERE ( if you feel the need print it first to start practicing).