It is a millennial martial art of South India, it is said to have originated more than 4000 years ago and to be the mother of martial arts. Its origin and practice is connected to that of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India and to yoga with which it shares a common vision of man as a union of mind, body and spirit. Traditionally, kalaripayattu is taught from master to disciple through the gurukull system, which requires the student to live for long periods at home with the master. So it was for our teacher at the Indian teacher Jaya Chandran Nair of Trivandrum, Kerala.
Kyem organizes seminars of Kalaripayattu in Italy, Europe and India. The study of Kalaripayattu also leads us to acquire the ability to use and manipulate fiery tools (sticks / chains etc ..). Inspired by this ancient discipline we have created performances and shows. Read more about Antares Fuoco
We organize meetings for children in schools, social and educational centers. Periodic seminars in Italian and European cities.
Contact us for information and to organize a seminar in your city!
Seminar program
Physical training
of preparation
al kalari
Training fisico di preparazione al kalari
Sono esercizi di allungamento, equilibrio, postura e potenziamento muscolare, per migliorare la flessibilità e risvegliare la memoria corporea.
The 30 “Forms
by greeting "
Le 30 “Forme di Saluto"
Sono il cuore della pratica
del Kalari e consistono
in sequenze di movimenti
di attacco e difesa, via via sempre più articolati,
in direzione dei quattro punti cardinali. La pratica lavora
in particolare su: equilibrio, coordinazione, azione-reazione, ascolto, concentrazione, memoria.
with sticks
Lavoro con i bastoni
Tecniche di attacco e difesa con i bastoni corti e lunghi e spinning bastoni lunghi come preparazione alla danza del fuoco.