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Guided practice 

 Ashtanga Yoga first series, for intermediate practitioners

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If you have chosen to open this link it is because for today you prefer an intense practice but you still do not know the whole sequence of Ashtanga Yoga.

The following audio track will accompany you to the following locations:

  • Sun salutation A 3 times

  • Sun Salutation B 3 times

  • All standing positions

  • Seated positions up to Navasana ( from Navasana go directly to Urdhva Danurasana )

  • All closures 

  • Relaxation


Help yourself by viewing the Ashtanga card.

Pay attention to the more complex positions (Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana; Janu sirsasana b, c; Marichyasana b, d) and do not do those positions you do not yet know.

Don't improvise positions you've never tried with the guidance of an experienced teacher. Especially between the closed positions don't do the ones you don't know, just skip them letting the audio flow.

For example: Urdhva Padmasana, Pindasana, Mathsyasana, Uttana padasana, Sirsana.

For reasons of file size, the track is split into three audio + relaxation.


Good practice.

Pratica guidata 1'
00:00 / 29:22
sedute fino a navasana
00:00 / 24:50
00:00 / 19:00
Rilassamento e Mantra
00:00 / 09:51
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