Tuning in Yoga ...
we practice in synchrony.
Friday 1st January
16 hours
Movement and Center
In him was life
and life was the light of men;
light shines in the darkness
and the darkness has not overcome it.
(John 1,4-5)
Meditation is the means, the vehicle that allows us to find the way back home. The sweet return to that intimate and secret place that each of us lives and that each of us knows only for himself.
Meditation is listening to the dialogues that we continually have within ourselves, that inner speaking that decides our every choice, that announces every direction, that determines our every action.
Meditation is to return to that place and with so much humility to begin to transform those inner dialogues that lead us towards fear into inner dialogues which introduce us to the Way of Love.
Life is Movement. In every aspect it is movement. Non-movement is an obvious sign of non-life.
Life is Breath. In every aspect it is breath. Non-breath is an obvious sign of non-life.
Life is Care, that is, loving dedication in favor of evolution. In every aspect it is care. Non-care, or the lack of loving dedication is an evident sign of non-life.
Life is Light. In every aspect it is light. Non-light is an obvious sign of non-life.
Look around now, observe this world and the words and gestures that are used, observe carefully. Now take the look inside you_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e recognize what is moving in favor of life and what is being involved for the exclusive benefit of non-life.
It is a surefire way to understand and choose.
Instructions for Use
Dear travel companion, thank you for the trust you have put in to get here and for choosing to be there again today. I am grateful to you, enormously.
Today the proposal I have thought for you accompanies you through 2 distinct moments:
First part: MOVEMENT
Second part: CENTER
I make you three different and distinct proposals, choose one :
1 - Go out, if the weather conditions and the context in which you live allow it. Go out and walk. Walking with care, rhythm, method. (directions to follow in the written track)
2 - If the above conditions do not allow you to go out, or in any case you prefer to practice_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 136bad5cf58d_ ashtanga, I propose you: _cc794bde-136-bad5
If you are a beginner: repeat the guided tour following the audio track of 12/30 (click here)
S and you are an experienced practitioner to follow the guided practice of the first complete series (click here) for the audio track ​
3 - Dance, dance freely listening to your favorite music. Move in lightness and presence.
The choice is yours. Do it with awareness and humility, listening to what you really want and then switch to the CENTRO audio track
The CENTRO ti audio track takes you through a listening path. Listening to your breath, listening to your sensations. Listening to your inner dialogues. Listening to your wishes and choices.
Feel calm and independent .
Meditation is an intimate journey that everyone can do only for themselves. Techniques are just expedients, tools to embark on this path. But it is very difficult to guide a meditation effectively and it is even more so with the use of the virtual. Stay close to yourself and make your own path. With serenity, sweetness and calm.
Choose carefully the place where you will practice listening, make sure it is quiet and protected. Sit in a stable and comfortable position.
I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to the little ones.
(Matthew 11.25)
I thank you first of all, friend who have come this far and who, despite everything, have decided to be there and to move towards a connection, an encounter, a synchrony.
I thank Francesca, who has always been there, from the beginning and still now.
I thank Tommaso and Chiara for being close and present
Thanks to Ethan who turns 11 today
I thank Don Paolo Spoladore because he was and continues to be a great source of inspiration and knowledge.
I thank the Unique Master and Life and I place all my Trust in them.